Advance Tree Removal

At the direction of the State, the Village initiated a tree removal contract in advance of the Route 14 Grade Separation (underpass) Project. Tree cutting work is complete. Following haul off, landscape restoration work including grass seed and erosion control blanket placement will be completed. 

Due to protections associated with the endangered Northern Long Eared Bat, tree removals are required to be completed between October 1st and March 31st each year. The underpass work is currently anticipated to commence in late summer or early fall and completing tree removal work early this year will allow for private utilities, such as Nicor, ComEd and AT&T to complete their necessary relocations ahead of the construction work. It also will allow for a more expeditious start to the contracted construction work later this year.

While impacts to these areas are necessary to facilitate construction of the grade separation, impacted areas will be restored with grading, trees, and native plantings. Renderings approximating the project upon completion can be viewed HERE.